​05 The Experimental Theater Of The Human Body

My inspiration for this collection comes from my passion of walking around at night. Night will blur all the use of your senses. You can't see the things around you clearly, so you can't walk according to the established circuit in your brain. Based on this, I set up a persona from outer space, a creature whose different information processing mechanisms and cognition enable it to use our senses in different ways, and most of the senses we rely on are not necessarily functional to it.

I converted the persona's status into design elements. Leather is the most important material I use. This material creates a sense of airtightness and restraint on the touch of the skin. At the same time, I used a lot of leather fold elements to imitate persona's skin texture. All looks are designed to be tight, which reflects my persona's state of imprisoning itself and strongly refusing to integrate into the human sensory world.

It is worth mentioning that persona processes images through sound. It can directly capture the texture of each sound with its ears, and distinguish the sound through the different textures of the pattern. In other words: it is "seeing" the sound with its ears. applied the sound visualisation method to the print I designed. First, my persona took some pictures of the things around it in its cognitive sense with different strange hues or angles. And record the corresponding environmental sound of each photo at that time, and then use the scanner to troubleshoot the texture of these environmental sounds and combine them with those pictures